Engineering a Bridge – Scholastic

Please review the engineering steps from Scholastic!


Please also review this YouTube video on building a bridge!

Please watch the YouTube video and try this on your own!

STEP 1: Brainstorm different bridge designs that you think
could hold up a book. What shapes and structures might help you build
the strongest bridge? Draw a sketch.
STEP 2: Build your bridge.
STEP 3: If you’re working within a team explain how you
built your bridge and why you think it will be strong enough to hold a
STEP 4: Test your structure by placing a large book on top
of the structure.
STEP 5: Rebuild your bridge using a different design (and
different shapes, if it fell under the weight of the book.)

Activity Questions:
-Did your structure hold a book? Why? or Why not?
-What shapes do you think made the strongest structure?
-Does the length of your toothpick affect the strength of your bridge?What are some ways to make your bridge stronger?

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