Solar energy in general is becoming a much more popular and necessary source of electricity.
It’s pretty easy to make your own solar oven!
To tackle this experiment, you will need a cardboard pizza box, a pencil, a ruler, scissors, foil, clear tape, black construction paper, plastic wrap, newspapers, oven mitts, a dish, a thermometer and cooking ingredients (smores)!
- Make sure to clean the pizza box before use. Use the pencil and ruler to draw a square one inch from the top of the box.
- Cut out three of the four sides of the square. Crease the uncut side to create a flap that stands up.
- Cut a piece of foil to use to cover the inner side of the flap. Wrap it tightly and secure it with tape.
- Line the bottom of the box with the black construction paper.
- Cut two pieces of plastic wrap the same size as the top of the box. Secure them to the inside edges of the square window with tape so that it is airtight.
- Roll the newspapers into tubes to stuff into the sides of the box (it should still be able to close).
- Use the oven and the sun to cook (preferably between 11 A.M. and 2 P.M.)!
This project produces some exciting and delicious results!
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