The One and Only Ivan is a 2020 American fantasy film directed by Thea Sharrock from a screenplay written by Mike White, based on the children’s novel of the same name by K. A. Applegate. The film stars the voices of Sam Rockwell, Angelina Jolie, Danny DeVito, Helen Mirren, Brooklynn Prince, Chaka Khan, Ron Funches, Phillipa Soo, and Mike White, with the human characters portrayed by Ramón Rodríguez, Ariana Greenblatt, and Bryan Cranston.
A blend of live action, computer animation and integrated motion capture effects brings so much heart to the screen. The Newbery-winning children’s book was inspired by the story of a real mall gorilla named Ivan.
Reviewers at Common Sense Media said it best:
“This heartfelt adaptation is part circus comedy, part animal rights drama, and part escape caper, a combination that should attract the book’s many fans, as well as families… The story promotes getting circus animals out of cages and into more natural habitats at zoos and preserves. It also has themes of loyalty, teamwork, empathy, and perseverance.”
I highly recommend this wonderful film!
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