Scientific Method: a problem-solving tool used by scientists to determine the validity of a hypothesis. It is an organized process for finding a solution to a question.
Scientific Method Steps
Step 1: State the problem in the form of a question.
Step 2: Research the problem
• Research is a critical part of any science project or experiment.
• Research resources: books, library index, newspapers, magazines, science videos, and internet.
Step 3: Form a hypothesis
• Hypothesis: an educated guess about a possible solution or answer to your problem or question
Step 4: Write down the procedures that will be used to test your experiment
• Detailing the entire experiment and recording all the variables analyzed, scientists are able to track the validity of the hypothesis.
• Control measurement: something to measure our variables with
Step 5: Perform experiment to test hypothesis
• #1 rule for testing a hypothesis is to always follow the written procedures
• Control group: there are not variables being tested. Gives us a basis for comparing the experimental group.
• Variables: the factors that are being tested in the experiment. It is critical that everything in the experiment is the same each time it is tested, except for the one variable that is being tested.
• Experimental Group: The group that is being tested by changing one variable at a time.
Step 6: Observe and record all results
a) always observe and record the data
b) keep results together in a lab notebook
c) be ethical and honest when recording data from the experiment
Step 7: Interpret the data
• When interpreting the data, make sure to:
a) make tables, charts, and graphs
b) draw pictures or take photographs to show the procedure and results
c) write a summaries
Step 8: Conclusion
• Purpose of conclusion: to communicate the result to others.
a) What happened?
b) Was it what one expected?
c) Did the results agree with the hypothesis?
d) Did it answer the original question?
Vocabulary Match!
Match the vocabulary words in the petri dish to their definitions below. Write the letter in the blank space.
We Need Order!
-The following statements are out of order regarding the steps to follow in the scientific method.
-Write the number next to the statement to put them in the correct order
Steps & Facts
Write the scientific method steps in order and at least one fact about each step as you view the program.
Scientist’s Laboratory Notebook
State your answers in the scientist’s notebook!
Scientific Method Quiz
Write the letter of the best answer in the space provided, fill in the blank with the best answer, or write “true” or “false” for each statement.
- What is the first step in the Scientific Method?
a. Form a hypothesis
b. Research the problem
c. State the problem in the form of a question
d. Interpret data - When choosing a problem, you should ___________.
a. choose a problem you don’t know the answer to
b. choose a problem you can work with
c. choose a problem you know the answer to
d. A and B
e. B and C - What are some resources one can use to research their problem?
a. World Wide Web
b. Books
c. Newspapers
d. All of the above - _____________ is something to measure “variables” against.
a. outcomes
b. control group
c. base line measurement
d. data - To conduct a(n) is a good way to discover something new
about science.
a. control group
b. experimental group
c. hypothesis
d. experiment
Interdisciplinary Ideas – Reading and Writing
Have students discuss why it is important to be honest and ethical when recording and observing an experiment. Have them explain what could be done if they knew of an experiment that was not being recorded ethically. Why would one try to match the hypothesis? What would this unethical behavior do to future experiments?
Interdisciplinary Ideas – Math and Science
Have students interpret data obtained using the scientific method. Use graphs, charts, and tables.
Simple exercise where students put the concepts of the scientific method into action. Has section for students to ponder use in the real world.
Source: Wiki, Sunbrust Visual Media
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